Directions: Choose questions that you feel you can answer. Try to challenge yourself to answer the highest level you can! Answer TWO questions for each level. Use complete sentences!
Questions based on the text: The Absolute True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by: Sherman Alexie
A) Junior describes the operation he needs to have when he is 6 months old to save his life. Based on his explanation, what exactly did the doctors do to remove the “water” on his brain?
B) Most rectangles have two sets of equal length sides. How is a square different?
A) When Junior is 6 months old he has
surgery to remove the extra water he says he has on his brain. He explains that
the doctors cut open his little skull to do this. What does he say the doctors
used to remove the extra water?
B) How many sets of equal sides does a
rectangle have?
A) When Junior is 6 months old he has
surgery on his head. What do the doctors suck out to try to save
Junior’s life?
B) How many sides does a square
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