Tuesday, October 20, 2015

October 20th, 2015 Of Mice and Men by: John Steinbeck

Directions: Choose questions that you feel you can answer. Try to challenge yourself to answer the highest level you can! Answer TWO questions for each level. Use complete sentences!

Questions based on the text: Of Mice and Men by: John Steinbeck


)  A) “Tell you what,” said Candy. “This here blacksmith named Whitey was the kind of guy at meals he’d peel his boiled potatoes, and he’d take out every little spot. If there was a red splotch on an egg, he’d scrape it off. Why he just quit, the way a guy will. Just wanted to move on.”
Based on the above information why do you think Whitey the blacksmith quit?

    B) Robert went to the Met’s playoff game. His ticket cost $89.50, a program was $2.50, and a hot dog and a soda cost $8.75. How much did Robert spend?

     C) Nelson went shopping and bought a shirt for $28.00, pants for $37.00, and a jacket for 85.00. The total for his purchases was $150.00. If he returned the jacket how much money did he end up spend on clothes?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Level#2
       A) “Tell you what,” said Candy. “This here blacksmith named Whitey was the kind of guy at meals he’d peel his boiled potatoes, and he’d take out every little spot. If there was a red splotch on an egg, he’d scrape it off. Why he just quit, the way a guy will. Just wanted to move on.”
Whitey doesn’t give a reason for quitting, why do you think he did?

    B) Robert went to the Met’s playoff game. His ticket cost $89.50, a program was $2.50, and a hot dog and a soda cost $8.75. How much did Robert spend altogether?   
     A)   “Whitey was the kind of guy who was never happy with the food that they served. He just made up his mind one day and just quit.”
Why do you think Whitey quit?

      B)   Marcus went to the movies during the day. His ticket cost $4.00 and he bought popcorn and a soda that cost $6.00. How much did Marcus spend altogether?


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