Thursday, May 19, 2016

May 19th, 2016 The Hunger Games by: Suzanne Collins



Directions: ANSWER USING COMPLETE SENTENCES! Use the information you have been given to answer questions about: Common Communicable Diseases

Level#1: Some examples of common communicable diseases are colds, the flu, and strep throat. Tuberculosis and mononucleosis are also communicable diseases. Both colds and the flu are caused by viruses. But, they have different symptoms. The symptoms of a cold are runny nose, sore throat, sneezing, and coughing. You can have some of these symptoms with the flu. You may also have headaches, muscle aches, and fever. There are no medications that can cure the common cold or the flu, but you can take medication to treat the symptoms.

1. What are the symptoms of a cold?

2. Besides, the symptoms that a cold and the flu share, what are the other symptoms of the flu?

3. What medications can you take to cure a cold or the flu, how can they be treated?

Level#2: Some examples of common communicable diseases are colds, the flu, and strep throat. Tuberculosis and mononucleosis are also communicable diseases. Both colds and the flu are caused by viruses. But, they have different symptoms. The symptoms of a cold are runny nose, sore throat, sneezing, and coughing. You can have some of these symptoms with the flu. You may also have headaches, muscle aches, and fever. There are no medications that can cure the common cold or the flu, but you can take medication to treat the symptoms. The viruses that cause colds and flu can travel through the air on droplets. The virus is spread when people cough and sneeze without covering their nose and mouth. Tuberculosis, strep throat, and mononucleosis are examples of other communicable diseases. Each of these diseases is caused by bacteria.

1. What can be done to cure a cold or the flu, and can either be treated?

2. How do the viruses that cause the common cold or the flu travel, and how are they spread?

3. What are other examples of communicable diseases and what are they causes by?

Level#3: Some examples of common communicable diseases are colds, the flu, and strep throat. Tuberculosis and mononucleosis are also communicable diseases. Both colds and the flu are caused by viruses. But, they have different symptoms. The symptoms of a cold are runny nose, sore throat, sneezing, and coughing. You can have some of these symptoms with the flu. You may also have headaches, muscle aches, and fever. There are no medications that can cure the common cold or the flu, but you can take medication to treat the symptoms. The viruses that cause colds and flu can travel through the air on droplets. The virus is spread when people cough and sneeze without covering their nose and mouth. Tuberculosis, strep throat, and mononucleosis are examples of other communicable diseases. Each of these diseases is caused by bacteria. Tuberculosis is a disease that affects the lungs. Strep throat is a more common form of communicable diseases. This disease usually causes a sore throat and a fever. Mononucleosis is a disease that affects the white blood cells. It is passed by direct contact with an infected person's saliva.

1. Explain how the viruses for the common cold and the flu can travel, and how they are spread.

2. Give three examples of communicable diseases and what causes these diseases.

3. Explain what mononucleosis affects, and how it is passed from one person to another.

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