Wednesday, July 15, 2015

July 15th, 2015 Down These Mean Streets

Directions: Choose questions that you feel you can answer. Try to challenge yourself to answer the highest level you can! Answer TWO questions for each level. Use complete sentences!


A) After Piri tells Rocky that even spaghetti-benders like you are born in Harlem Hospital, How does Rocky react to this statement?

B) What type of triangle has sides that are all the same length?


A) After Piri tells Rocky that even spaghetti-benders like you are born in Harlem Hospital, what does Rocky do?

B) How many sides does a quadrilateral have? (hint: a square is a type of quadrilateral)


A) Piri calls Rocky a spaghetti-bender. What is a spaghetti-bender?

B) We talked about three and four sided shapes today. List one three sided shape and one four sided shape.

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