Friday, October 16, 2015

October 16th, 2015 Of Mice and Men by: John Steinbeck


Directions: Choose questions that you feel you can answer. Try to challenge yourself to answer the highest level you can! Answer TWO questions for each level. Use complete sentences!

Questions based on the text: Of Mice and Men by: John Steinbeck


A) George's voice became deeper. "Guys like us, that work on ranches, are the loneliest guys in the world." 

What are the two specific reasons that George states to back up the quote from above?

B) Cassandra made a list of what she spent in September. Use her list to solve each problem.

Toothpaste      $4.17                      Movie                    $8.75
Groceries       $97.25                      Wool sweater      $48.18
Bike repair     $10.49                      Nail polish              $4.50
Rent             $482.00                      Cable TV               $30.50

1) On a separate piece of paper divide the paper into two charts. One side make a list of what Cassandra's needs were and on the other what her wants were.

2) Which item from the needs chart cost the least?

3) Which item from the wants chart cost the most?

4) List the items from the wants chart from the most expensive to the least expensive.

5) Name two items from Cassandra's list that she could go without to save $13.25 for next week's groceries.


A) George's voice became deeper. "Guys like us, that work on ranches, are the loneliest guys in the world." 

List at least one reason, (try to come up with others if you can) that George states, that backs up the above statement.

B) Cassandra made a list of what she spent in September. Use her list to solve each problem.

Toothpaste      $4.17                      Movie                    $8.75
Groceries       $97.25                      Wool sweater      $48.18
Bike repair     $10.49                      Nail polish              $4.50
Rent             $482.00                      Cable TV               $30.50

1) On a separate piece of paper divide the paper into two charts. One side make a list of what Cassandra's needs were and on the other what her wants were.

2) Which item from the needs chart cost the least?

3) Which item from the wants chart cost the most?


A) George's voice became deeper. "Guys like us, that work on ranches, are the loneliest guys in the world." 
There are two things that George is talking about. (Hint: one has to do with who you are related to. the other has to do with not having a home).

List the two things that George is talking about!

B) Cassandra made a list of what she spent in September. Use her list to solve each problem.

Toothpaste      $4.17                      Movie                    $8.75
Groceries       $97.25                      Wool sweater      $48.18
Bike repair     $10.49                      Nail polish              $4.50
Rent             $482.00                      Cable TV               $30.50

1) In the space below make a list of Cassandra's needs and wants. On one side make a list of what Cassandra's needs were and on the other what her wants were.

Parent's Signature: ______________________________________

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