Wednesday, March 2, 2016

March 2nd, 2016 Persepolis by: Marjane Satrapi



Directions: ANSWER USING COMPLETE SENTENCES! Use the information you have been given to answer questions about: Blood Types & RH Factor.

Level#1: There are four main blood types: A, B, AB, O. Different blood types are based on whether certain substances are present on the red blood cells. People who receive blood from a donor must get the right blood. The blood they get must match the blood type they are.

1. How many blood types are there and what are they?

2. What are the different blood types based on?

3. What must happen when a person receives blood from a blood donor?

Level#2: There are four main blood types: A, B, AB, O. Different blood types are based on whether certain substances are present on the red blood cells. People who receive blood from a donor must get the right blood. The blood they get must match the blood type they are. There are other differences among blood cells besides blood types. Sometimes there is a substance on the surface of the a blood cell called Rh factor. Most people in the United States are called Rh positive. They have the Rh substance on their blood cells. People that do not have the substance on their blood cells are called Rh  negative.

1. What are the four main blood types and how are blood types determined?

2. What is important when a person receives blood from a blood donor?

3. When a person receives blood from a blood donor what is necessary?

 Level#3: There are four main blood types: A, B, AB, O. Different blood types are based on whether certain substances are present on the red blood cells. People who receive blood from a donor must get the right blood. The blood they get must match the blood type they are. There are other differences among blood cells besides blood types. Sometimes there is a substance on the surface of the a blood cell called Rh factor. Most people in the United States are called Rh positive. They have the Rh substance on their blood cells. People that do not have the substance on their blood cells are called Rh  negative. It is very important that a person getting a blood transfusion receives blood matching with their Rh. It is also important for a pregnant mother to know whether she is Rh positive or Rh negative. A difference between her blood and the unborn baby's can cause problems during delivery.

1. Explain the four main blood types and how blood type is determined.

2. Explain what is necessary for a person to receive blood from a blood donor.

3. Explain the other differences among blood cells besides blood type.

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