Monday, December 7, 2015

December 7th, 2015 To Kill A Mockingbird by: Harper Lee



Directions: WRITE YOUR ANSWERS IN COMPLETE SENTENCES! Choose the level that you feel you can successfully complete, but be brave and choose the level that challenges you!

Level#1: Nephrons are small tubes that remove extra water, salt, and other waste materials from the blood. Each nephron has a cup-like structure at one end.  Inside of this structure, blood flows through the many coiled capillaries where the wastes are removed.

1. What do nephrons do?

2. What does each nephron have at one end?

3. What flows through the nephron?

4. We went over the word SWELTER today in class. Its meaning is: Be uncomfortably hot. Use the word SWELTER IN A COMPLETE SENTENCE.

Level#2: Nephrons are small tubes that remove extra water, salt, and other waste materials from the blood. Each nephron has a cup-like structure at one end.  Inside of this structure, blood flows through the many coiled capillaries where the wastes are removed. The filtered materials pass into a cup-like structure. Then, nutrients pass from a tubule back into the blood. Extra water, salts, and waste molecules combine to form urine.

1. What happens inside the cup-like structure of each nephron?

2. What happens to the nutrients that have passed into the cup-like structure?

3. What are the things that combine to form urine?

4. We went over the word ISOLATE today in class. Its meaning is: Place or set apart. Use the word ISOLATE IN A COMPLETE SENTENCE.

Level#3: Nephrons are small tubes that remove extra water, salt, and other waste materials from the blood. Each nephron has a cup-like structure at one end.  Inside of this structure, blood flows through the many coiled capillaries where the wastes are removed. The filtered materials pass into a cup-like structure. Then, nutrients pass from a tubule back into the blood. Extra water, salts, and waste molecules combine to form urine. Urine is concentrated in a thin, looped tube. The filtered blood is then returned to the heart in the veins. The urine then empties into the last part of the nephron called the collecting duct. Urine flows through ureters to the bladder. It is stored there until it is released through the urethra.

1. Explain what goes on inside the cup-like structure at the end of each nephron.

2. Explain what happens to the blood after it is filtered.

3. Completely explain all the steps of what happens to the urine after it is formed.

4. We went over the word MUTILATE in class today. Its meaning is: Destroy or injure severely. Use the word MUTILATE INA COMPLETE SENTENCE.

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